Does Clash Not Continue on Saturday
- Raid Weekends constitute the main form of battle in the Clan Capital.
- During Raid Weekends, Clans attack other Clans' capitals to earn Capital Gold and Raid Medals.
- Players within a Clan use Clan Capital Troops and Spells in order to defeat other Clans' capitals.
- Raid Weekends take place every week, beginning at 7am UTC on the Friday of each week and ending at the same time on the Monday of the following week.
- A Clan must have their Capital Hall upgraded to level 2 or higher in order to participate in Raid Weekends.
- When a Raid Weekend event is active, a Clan leader or co-leader can opt the Clan into Raids.
- Raids are battles against another Clan's Clan Capital; the aim of a Raid is to destroy the opposing Clan's Capital.
- When a Clan opts into a Raid Weekend, Raids are found based on the clan's progress in the Clan Capital with respect to their building levels. Unlike Clan Wars, the Clan that is attacked in a Raid does not attack the attacking Clan's Capital.
- Once a Raid is completed, the Clan is immediately matched with another Raid, until the end of the Raid Weekend.
- A Clan can only have one attacking Raid ongoing at a time, but multiple Clans can attack the same Clan simultaneously in separate Raids.
Raid Mechanics
- To complete a Raid on a Clan Capital, all of the districts and the Capital Peak must be destroyed.
- All of the lower districts must be destroyed before the Capital Peak can be attacked.
- Each district is designed to require multiple attacks to destroy; it is unlikely that a district will be destroyed by a single attack. For this reason, damage to a district persists between attacks:
- Any buildings, Walls or defending troops that were damaged but not destroyed retain the health they were at when the last attack ended. An exception is the Siege Cart: if their cart is destroyed and they are in their Last Stand mode when the battle ends, they will not be present for the next attack;
- Any Traps that were triggered in previous attacks are not re-armed for subsequent attacks;
- Any Hidden Mega Teslas that were revealed in a previous attack remain revealed when scouting and during any subsequent attacks.
- For defending troops, if their corresponding defense post is intact at the end of a battle, they will respawn at that post at the start of the next attack; if the post has been destroyed, they will retain the position they were at when the previous attack ended. If a ground defender ends a battle on top of water (possible by an attacker's Frost Spell), they will respawn at the location of their post regardless of whether or not the post is destroyed, even if the Frost Spell continues into the next attack.
- Players can freely change up their army whenever not in battle, in an interface similar to building an army in Friendly Challenges in the Home Village. Training troops and spells costs no resources or time.
- All players in a Clan, regardless of progression in their Home Village or Builder Base, will have the same troop and spell levels, determined by the level of Barracks and Spell Factories in their Clan Capital.
- Each player is given five attacks throughout the Raid Weekend to do as much damage as possible. The first time a player finishes off a district, they will be given one extra attack. Subsequent attacks that destroy a district do not give extra attacks.
- A player can only participate in one Clan's Raid Weekend, and a maximum of 50 players can participate in a Clan's Raid Weekend. Attacking in a Clan's Raid Weekend prevents a player from joining in other Clans' raids.
- The layouts for each district that enemy Clans attack during Raids is determined by the layouts that the Clan have at the time that the enemy Clan is matched with them. Similarly to Clan Wars or Legend League, snapshots of each district layout are used, and it is these snapshots that opposing Clans attack.
- Any upgrading structures will appear at the level they are upgraded from; if the structure is a defense or trap, it will remain functional during the upgrade. Ruins that are being rebuilt will remain ruined, however, and will neither obstruct enemies nor need to be destroyed to achieve 100% destruction.
- Changing the layouts during a Raid Weekend will not affect the layouts used in ongoing enemy Raids, but will change the layouts against Raids that start afterwards. Similarly, if a building upgrade is finished during a Raid Weekend, it will remain un-upgraded for ongoing raiders.
Deployment Zones
- In the Clan Capital, the deployment zone is dynamic and changes as progress is made in attacking a district. This is in contrast to attacking in the Home Village or Builder Base, where the deployment zone is fixed throughout the attack.
- To determine which areas of a district can be deployed on, the game uses the following rules:
The no-deploy zone around a Clan House.
- Each intact building, except for the Hidden Mega Tesla, creates a no-deploy zone extending 4 tiles on all sides from the building's edges. An example of such a no-deploy zone is shown in the diagram.
- A tile can be deployed on if a ground troop can walk from a starting zone (marked by tall grass where items cannot be placed) to that tile without passing through any no-deploy zones or needing to break any Walls along the way. Unlike the Home Village or Builder Base, troops are unable to move around the edges of the district.
- Using Jump Spells and Frost Spells can temporarily expand the deployment zone if new tiles can be reached through the above rules through their deployment.
- Districts in the Clan Capital sport three special types of terrain other than land: water, cliffs and bridges. None of these types of terrain can have buildings, traps or decorations placed on them.
- Water and cliffs impede ground troops, but can be bypassed by air troops and do not block the line-of-sight of defenses. The former can be bypassed by Jump Spells (for small gaps) and Frost Spells, while the latter is completely impassable by ground troops.
- If a ground troop is forcibly deployed on either water or cliffs (by means of an aerial defense shooting down units that spawn ground troops like Skeleton Barrels), they will be relocated to the nearest land tile (including frozen water, if applicable). In the case that ground troops are forcibly spawned over water, this relocation only occurs if there is any land within 2 tiles of it; otherwise they will not spawn.
- Bridges do not impede ground or air troops but merely serve to impede placement of structures.
- Capital Gold can be earned in raids by destroying buildings. Each building is worth a certain amount of Capital Gold: non-defensive buildings (other than the District Hall) are worth the least, with defenses rewarding more (generally stronger defenses such as the Blast Bow are worth more than a Cannon).
- In an attack that finishes off a district, 1 Capital Gold is rewarded for every housing space of troop that is left at the end of the attack, whether they have been deployed or not. Remaining Spells do not earn the player extra rewards.
- Capital Gold cannot be lost to enemy Raids; any Capital Gold earned by attackers is newly generated by the game.
- When the Raid Weekend ends, a Clan will be rewarded Raid Medals based on their performance in both attacking and defending Raids.
- The amount of Raid Medals earned from attacking depends on the number of districts destroyed as well as the number of attacks completed. Each district destroyed awards a fixed number of medals, depending on the level of the central building.
- To determine the amount earned per player, the total number of medals awarded (above) is divided by the total number of attacks used to obtain a baseline for the number of medals earned per attack. This number is then multiplied by the number of attacks made by the player to determine the player's attacking reward.
- The amount of Raid Medals earned from defending depends on the amount of housing space that Defenses managed to destroy, but the Clan has to destroy at least one enemy District in the Raid to be eligible for this bonus.
- To determine the amount earned from defense, all the defenses the Clan receives from enemy raids are assessed. One medal is earned for every 25 housing space destroyed on defense, with each raiding Clan assessed individually. The highest medal total from a single raid is then taken as the defensive reward.
- The amount of Raid Medals earned from attacking depends on the number of districts destroyed as well as the number of attacks completed. Each district destroyed awards a fixed number of medals, depending on the level of the central building.
- All players who attacked in a Clan's Raid Weekend will receive that Clan's rewards. As with rewards in Clan Wars or Clan War Leagues, all eligible players will receive their rewards even if they leave or get kicked from the Clan. If a player did not attack in a Clan's Raid Weekend, that player cannot get any rewards from the Raid Weekend.
- Raid Medal rewards can be used in two ways:
- Raid Medals can be used to purchase items from the Trader.
- Raid Medals can be used to reinforce Clan Castles with troops, effectively allowing players to donate troops to themselves.
- Players can hold a maximum of 5,000 Raid Medals at any one time. Should this capacity be exceeded after a Raid Weekend ends, the excess medals will be converted to Gems at a rate of 1 Gem per 100 Raid Medals. Generally, this trade should be avoided, since it is possible to buy Training Potions or Clock Tower Potions for 100 Raid Medals and sell them for ten Gems each.
Raid Log
- After a Raid Weekend, the results of the Raid Weekend will be visible via the button next to the Raid button in the district interface. The interface shows the number of Raid Medals won and a breakdown of the Raid Weekend in terms of Capital Gold looted, the number of Raids completed, districts destroyed and attacks used.
- Other tabs in this interface show a breakdown of the Clan members' performance in the Raid Weekend, ranked by how much Capital Gold they looted, as well as a summary of the attacking Raids completed.
- In the Clan info, under the Clan Capital tab, a Raid Log is visible to all Clan members, which details all the Raid Weekends that the Clan partook in. Tapping an entry in the Raid Log takes one to a summary of that Raid Weekend, including an Attack Log and Defense Log which shows the attacks and defenses of that Clan in Raids.
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